Strategic Human Capital Services
Building and Developing Future Generations
Aligning people and talent agendas, initiatives and projects with strategic and transformational visions and objectives.
The professional and in-depth human capital and resources planning, analysis and management expertise and experience to unleash potential and author, drive and develop dynamic knowledge and skills-based societies, economies and organisations.
Assuring that societies, organisations and individuals achieve their full potential and work together to develop deep, resilient and sustainable knowledge and skills-based economies.
Strategic Human Capital
Our strategic human capital services focus on supporting nations and organisations in authoring and successfully delivering their long-term strategic objectives by developing SMARTER, intelligent and coherent strategic, transformational and operational human capital frameworks that are focused on five key pillars:
Strategic human resource intelligence, analysis and planning
Identification of human capital capacity, capability and strategic requirements
The authoring of strategic and transformational human capital strategies, projects, agendas and initiatives
The development of high-performance human capital leadership and management culture that is centred around engagement, empowerment and enrichment
The training and development of highly skilled talent pools that proactively contribute to building and developing powerful, sustainable and resilient learning organisations; and knowledge and enterprise based macro and micro economies
Above all, our strategic human capital services paradigm is designed to promote the concept that strategic human capital services should serve as a catalyst to drive performance, productivity and profitability; and to support organisations in proactively investing in its human capital.
Above all, our strategic human capital services paradigm is designed to promote the concept that strategic human capital services should serve as a catalyst to drive performance, productivity and profitability; and to support organisations in proactively investing in its human capital.
Nationalisation Programmes
We have specialist interest, expertise and experience in supporting multidisciplinary government nationalisation programmes, agendas and initiatives, especially in developing regions across The Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Across government, oil, gas and energy, aviation, military and defence, leisure, tourism and hospitality, business and STEM sectors, amongst others, we have the expertise and experience to author, lead, drive and manage academic, foundation, technical and specialist programmes; as well as author, lead and manage collaborative partnerships.
Corporate Strategic Human Capital
Our corporate strategic human capital services focus not only upon the alignment and integration of human capital, talent and people agendas with organisational strategic, transformational and operational objectives; but with also with the broader HR business partnering and people strategies, agendas and initiatives that support the authoring, development and leadership of high-performance, resilience and sustainable organisational cultures; as well as creating and adding value across stakeholders and value chains.
Driving Strategic Human Capital Success
For organisational clients internationally, our strategic human capital services seek to advise, guide and counsel across seven key driver areas:
Strategic leadership and planning
Strategic communications
Strategic engagement
High-performance culture leadership
Organisational design, development, dynamics and optimisation
Performance management and optimisation
Training, learning and development
We offer government clients internationally specialist nationalisation programme and project authoring, leadership and management expertise and experience across multidisciplinary sectors, which include:
- Academic and Foundation
- Aviation
- Business
- Construction and Engineering
- Education and Training
- Government and Diplomatic
- Healthcare
- Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality
- Media and Communications
- Military and Defence
- Oil, Gas and Energy
- Public Services
- Sales and Retail
- Security
- Telecommunications
- Technology
- Transportation and Logistics
We have a particular interest, expertise and experience in helping support nationalisation programmes and the building of sustainable, flexible and dynamic national and local economies through a focus on encouraging and developing entrepreneurial activity and social enterprises.
As well as phased and integrated nationalisation and beehive programmes and initiatives, we also support both general entrepreneurial programmes, as well as initiatives focused on specific groups, such as female and young entrepreneurs.
Our Strategic Human Capital Portfolio
Our strategic human capital portfolio of operational, consulting and advisory services encompasses:
Nationalisation Programmes and Projects
Strategic Human Capital Advisory and Consulting
Strategic People and Talent Consulting
Transformation and Change Management
Competency Frameworks and Standards
Educational Engagement, Enrichment and Empowerment
Educational and Training Governance and Compliance
Educational and Training Leadership
Programme and Project Management
Qualifications and Frameworks Authoring and Management
SEED and Beehive Initiatives
Entrepreneurial Development
Strategic Education Planning
Strategic Job Analysis and Planning
Strategic Innovation and Technology Planning
Strategic Manpower Planning
Strategic Sector Planning
Strategic Talent Planning
Strategic STEM Planning
Strategic Occupational Training, Learning and Development Planning
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