Agility. Responsiveness. Continuity

Building and developing the agility, responsiveness and continuity to assure you organisational sustainability.

Crisis and Emergency Preparedness and Response

Developing the crisis and emergency response leadership, planning, preparedness and management frameworks to overcome disruption.

Strategic Resilience & Sustainability

Building the robust strategic and operational organisational resilience to assure your sustainability.

Strategic Resilience Services


Integrated Security, Crisis, Risk and Resilience Management


Embedding people, preparedness, risk and intelligence the heart of high-performance organisational assurance and resilience.

Successfully developing the strategic and operational cultures, frameworks and systems to calmly, confidently and successfully address organisational and business disruption.

A SMARTER, intelligent and integrated approach to organisational and business security, crisis, continuity, risk and resilience management.

A Holistic, Strategic and Integrated Perspective

Organisations and businesses of any size and shape continually face disruption, volatility and change. Some, like technological innovation, can have an extremely positive impact, whilst others such as global pandemics, international tensions or local extreme weather can have varying degrees of negative impact; with the ultimate worst-case scenario potentially being catastrophic to them.

It is prudent them for organisations of all shapes and sizes to expect the unexpected, and try to plan, and prepare such eventualities of any scale and impact; and be able to consider how do they answer the question ‘’… how do I or we continue to do business in the event of serious disruption; and what is mission critical to our survival?’’

To survive and be sustainable even the smallest organisations have to build up and develop strategic and operational resilience, and that is where we can help and support you.

We take a holistic, strategic, integrated and assurance based approach to organisational and business resilience and sustainability, seeing resilience as an ecosystem within which security, crisis, continuity, risk and resilience are all interconnected; and the critical importance of organisations and businesses understanding the global, national and local contexts and environments within which they operate.

So, our mission objective is simple, to help organisations and businesses of all shapes and sizes internationally understand be able to successfully and effectively understand, prepare for, respond to and overcome the potential disruption, threats, issues and challenges they face, be they of a major or minor scale.

Our SMARTER, holistic and intelligent approach to security, crisis, continuity, risk and resilience management helps assure that organisations and businesses have in place the robust and rigorous strategic, tactical and operational frameworks, systems and tools to facilitate effective responses.

At the heart of our proprietary framework we place an emphasis on helping clients internationally author, build and develop strategic organisational resilience cultures which are living, learning orientated, proactive and dynamic; and are built upon six key pillars – strategic leadership; intelligence and information; risk assessment, analysis and planning; business management systems; business continuity; and crisis and emergency preparedness and response.

Alongside placing an emphasis upon organisational and business ecosystems and we place an emphasis upon high performance organisational resilience being the result of living, learning and dynamic resilience cultures.


The potential and power that the digital revolution has brought is simply phenomenal; but alas along with that power and potential lie significant dangers, which in the worst case scenarios can cause catastrophic damage.

Our information security management systems and cyber security consulting and advisory services have one very simple mission objective; to support organisations in building robust, safe and secure information, computing, communications and technology frameworks.

We take a SMARTER*, holistic and intelligent approach to information security management systems and cyber security, placing information, computing, communications and technology operations within an ecosystem; and looking to develop best practice ISO 9001 and 27001 standards as both embedded within a high performance culture; and also use such standards, along with dynamic risk management and people agendas, to drive and lead such high performance cultures.

Through deploying such best international practice standards, organisations can develop the agile, dynamic and effective response frameworks to support strategic and operational resilience.

Key areas we focus on are:

  • Cyber security frameworks, systems and standards
  • ICT strategies, frameworks, systems and standards
  • Business management and quality assurance frameworks and systems
  • High-performance culture leadership and teams
  • ISMS gap analysis and operational benchmarking
  • ISO 9001 and ISO 31001 frameworks and benchmarking
  • ISO 27100 leadership, management implementation frameworks



With apologies to Messrs. Shakespeare and Macbeth, there is a lot of sound and fury talked about the environment and corporate and social responsibility. Alas, only many organisations fail to meet their sustainability goals and deliver CSR value.

We all, as responsible individuals and as organisations, of any size or shape, have a responsibility to care about the ‘environment’ within which we operate.

Our sustainability and corporate and social responsibility consulting and advisory services support organisations in embedding sustainability and CSR within a high-performance culture; and whilst there is reward in itself in doing the right thing, we also believe that in today’s world competitive, brand and reputational advantage can also be secured from such a position. We also believe that operationally, significant added value can be achieved within the supply chain from such positioning.

Our sustainability and CSR consulting mission objective is simple; to support the development of strategic, transformational, tactical and operational sustainability and CSR agendas and initiatives, both internally and externally, that add value and benefit to your organisation, the community in which you operate and the wider environment.

Key areas we explore are:


Asset and resource optimisation, transformation and disruption

Alignment of SCR agendas and initiatives to strategic and operational business and organisational objectives

Business architecture, modelling and sustainability

Client and customer engagement and enrichment

Corporate and social responsibility strategy and implementation

Community engagement, empowerment and enrichment

Employee engagement, empowerment and enrichment

Environment impact

Governance, compliance and quality standards

High performance SCR culture leadership, engagement, empowerment and enrichment

Social impact

Stakeholder and supply chain engagement

Reputational value

Sustainability strategy and transformation


We also have a specialist interest and expertise in working with both foreign and home organisations across MENA and Asia in supporting sustainability and CSR agendas and initiatives.

So, whatever your sustainability and CSR agendas, issues and challenges might be, let us see if we can bring our expertise and experience to serve and support you.

Resilience Built On Team Synergy

Whilst we place an emphasis upon placing organisational resilience as being greater than the sum of its parts, we offer clients of all shapes and sizes internationally specialist security, crisis, continuity and risk management expertise and experience.

Our team of British and Commonwealth consultants, advisors and specialists bring to clients an exemplary wealth of international leadership and operational expertise, across military, government and blue-chip environments.

Strategic Security

 We offer boards, government and ‘C’ suite personnel specialist strategic geopolitical leadership executive development programmes, seminars, symposiums, coaching and mentoring services, focused on providing senior level personnel with the strategic level knowledge and awareness off geopolitical intelligence, issues, threats, challenges and trends; as well as the strategic leadership techniques, tools and models to be able to effectively author , build and develop strategic security framework and high performance security cultures; as well as conduct higher level global, national, sector and organisational strategic level planning found upon leading -edge intelligence, information and data.

Crisis and Emergency Management

Our crisis and emergency management services are designed to help clients of all shapes and sizes internationally author, implement, build and develop end to end, scalable crisis and emergency response management frameworks, systems, techniques and tools. We focus on helping organisations develop high performance and high impact crisis and emergency management capacity and capability by helping assure rigorous, in-depth, SMARTER, intelligent, intelligence and data led threat, risk and vulnerability analysis, assessment and planning; effective, efficient and robust preparedness; and dynamic tactical and operational response frameworks, systems and tools.

For sole traders, micro, SME and family firms we offer a specialist suite of flexible, cost effective, pragmatic and practical crisis and emergency management services and solutions designed specifically for them.

Operational Security Management

We offer organisational clients internationally an excellent and comprehensive suite of professional, bespoke and tailored security operational, consulting and advisory services and support to help assure that your organisation can effectively, successfully and confidently author, implement, build, develop and manage robust, rigorous and high-performance organisational security cultures, frameworks and operations to keep you and your personnel safe and secure.

Whilst we primarily focus on higher level security physical, personal, cyber and information security frameworks, operations and management, we work with a selection of handpicked British specialist consultants, specialist and firms, to provide clients with an added value range of specialist, sector and equipment expertise, services.

Bringing to clients a SMARTER, intelligent and integrated approach and holistic resilience ecosystem perspective and align our services and solutions with organisational cultures, contexts and environments; as well as national and local contexts and environments.

For sole trader, micro, SME and family firms’ clients we offer a specialist suite of appropriately focused, flexible, cost effective, pragmatic and practical security services and solutions designed specifically for them.

Placing Risk At The Epicentre of High Performance Resilience Cultures

Risk Management

A key pillar of our services is helping clients to understand the importance of professional and dynamic strategic and operational risk analysis, assessment and planning; developing a rigorous risk awareness across all organisational levels and placing it at the epicentre of not just high performance resilience, security and crisis management, but also business management and ISO, cultures.

Like all our services, we whilst we draw upon best practice and leading-edge knowledge, we bring to clients a pragmatic, practical, SMARTER approach; which as well as being business and commercially focused, is also organisationally and operationally fit for purpose.

Our Resilience Portfolio

Our suite of operational, consulting and advisory security, crisis, emergency, risk and resilience management services include:

Business integrity, intelligence, investigations and due diligence

Close protection

Control rooms and operational centres

Corporate security

Counter terrorism

Crisis Management

Cyber security

Emergency Response Management

Governance and compliance

Information security and ISO 27001

Integrated security, crisis, risk and resilience management assessment and analysis

Integrated security, crisis risk and resilience frameworks and systems

Organisational and business strategic operational requirements (STORNA1) analysis, assessment and framework design

Organisational and business tactical and operational requirements (TORNA2) analysis, assessment, framework and systems design

Organisational and business essential requirements (BORNA3) analysis, assessment, framework and systems design

Operational performance management

Penetration exercises

Personal security awareness

Resilience management

Risk management

Security engineering and management systems

Security information, reporting and management systems (SIRMS) – (PSIM) & ISO 18788

Security leadership and management regimes

Security needs assessment and analysis

Security operations management

Security project management

Security systems design

Security training and development

Strategic geopolitical intelligence

Strategic resilience

Threat and vulnerability analysis and assessment

Training and development

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