2020 has been for most people an annus horribilis for almost everyone in many different ways.

As Christmas and New Year approach, we all deserve two things. The first is a wee dram or two, with celebrate kith, kin, family and friends, celebrating the bonds that tie us; as well as affording an opportunity to reflect.

The second, is to look forward with renewed hope. A hundred years ago Britain was coming out of the dark days of World war One, and along with the peace came a prosperity, a new hope, new confidence and national and personal empowerment across society, businesses and personal lives.

As various vaccines potentially arrive in UK, and indeed internationally the dark days of the pandemic will we hope, slowly recede. So, a call to arms. Let’s make not just look forward positively to a brighter year in 2021, but make it an annus mirabilis and the start of a new roaring 20’s; one filled with national, business and personal hope, confidence and self-belief; able to successfully seize the opportunities which come our way.