With 95% of people aged 65 and over, 9 out of 10 of clinically highly vulnerable people and more than 25 million people in the UK having received their first COVID-10 vaccinations, it is time for HMG to seriously rethink the lockdown timetable.

We are particularly worried for the hospitality, travel and aviation industries, all of which have been so badly affected.

Every day lockdown continues seriously increases the chances of individuals, SME’s and businesses in the hospitality, travel and aviation industries especially facing potentially irrecoverable consequences.

With summer fast approaching and perhaps a UK focused ‘staycations’ potentially being the favoured scenario, enterprises, organisations and businesses and individuals need clarity, stability and time to prepare for any changes, and so we call for the lockdown timetable to be brough forward as quickly as possible.

We wonder, do our readers agree with us?